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MOVE is an international organization that builds churches, schools, houses, clinics, mission headquarters, and any other type of project an impoverished area needs. Its first project was in March of 1981 to build a school in the Bislig, Philippines, area on the island of Midanao. Forty years later and the MOVE organization has addressed their need for a new brand identity.


Art Direction / Full Brand Identity



Non Profit / Construction


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Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado


MOVE’s brand identity has never verbally and visually aligned with the type of work they do. The brand image was outdated and the visual aspect lacked an overall sense of purpose, existing simply to exist. I spearheaded a complete brand redirection and design for a time-tested non-profit.

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

MOVE primary logos (before & after)


The "Men of Vision Evangelize" organization name sounded outdated, and this idea was supported through the polling of informal focus groups. The term “Evangelize” being rarely used in today's language caused an unintentional association with ancient times. We heard the need to change MOVE from a noun to a verb, and by dropping the acronym, this non-profit became a call-to-action brand.

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

Process comparison (before & after)

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado


The previous leafy green communicated agricultural products, and the highly detailed globe aspect is primarily seen in eco-friendly logos. Both elements communicated an unprofessional brand with no clear visual direction. By combining the newly revised acronym with a passionate red, the MOVE logo clearly and accurately represented the nonprofit.


The MOVE logomark had always failed in the various application processes. Designs fell flat, were immediately dated, and many times, the shirts ended up as pajama wear.


Non-specified color codes, highly detailed assets, and a busy logo layout caused endless back and forth with production teams. The cost of standard merchandise had become increasingly high, with the quality of the finished product being unimpressive. Poor design was costing this non-profit money they did not have.


This new visual identity eliminated all production issues, removed any unnecessary back and forth between production teams, and branded merchandise communicated a professional non-profit.

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

MOVE visual identity (shown on early 2000's, 2010's and current trip tees)


Part of the inconsistent message that had played itself out through MOVE’s history was because of the mixed hierarchy within the logo design. Questions often posed to management were focused around the correct usage of “Men of Vision Evangelize” versus “Building for Eternity." Lastly, the acronym aspect took away from where the tagline usage could be.


By dropping the acronym and placing the tagline below, a traditional logo hierarchy was established. Reading the icon first, the wordmark second, and tagline last, effectively communicates a professional brand with a purpose.


MOVE wanted their mark to have a deeper meaning within the design. The idea that “here and now” applies to the organization directly and is a call to action for their volunteers as well. Focus was placed on the arc of the “M” to represent the tip of an arrow, like a destination marker for now. Although the idea of an arrow meaning “here and now” is simplistic, the importance that it denotes is the value that this brand mark needs.

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

MOVE icon breakdown, process behind the value


A personal goal when creating the new logo was that the new mark should be easy to build physically. This new mark is for men who work with their hands for a living so this mark needed to be able to be built with wood or rebar, and even stenciled onto equipment. Many of the men who go on the annual trip are veterans who have invested in the brand for decades. The ability to build the logo physically is something that allows this mark to be owned.

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

MOVE logos set in concrete, drawn and welded


To accompany the new logo mark, a new website and social media presence was needed. A new website was created with branded headers acting as the introduction to the individual pages. These headers became the theme for the new social media presence. Color rich overlays with beautiful photography created artistic yet informative media. Because of MOVE’s talented photographer, designing effective social media posts was accomplished easily.  (check out Cody Roux on IG @roux.cody and online at

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

Instagram pages (before & after)

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado


Every aspect of the old MOVE brand was improved. The new MOVE redesign presented a simplified and intentional brand look. We altered the color strategy, established a traditional hierarchy, created a new social media persona, provided desired apparel design and eased the production usability.


MOVE’s new brand meets their needs. It is effective, memorable, intentional, and motivated.

Testimonial from the President of MOVE

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