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Rockstone Construction & Management

RC&M is a construction and management company based in Canoga Park, California. My position at Longo Designs, was to create the overall brand identity, logo designs, supporting marks, apparel concepts, and job site visuals.


Art Direction / Full Brand Identity


Construction & Management



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Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado
Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

Primary Logo

The Story

Rockstone Construction and Management was founded back in 1996, but they never established a brand look. Business was acquired impressively all through word of mouth. My task was to design the identity that highlights the many ups and downs that the company has experienced over the years, that communicates a time-tested company worthy of trust, and a mark that can be translated across many forms of application. With intention, the company brand identity needs to represent strength and professionalism in the face of adversity.


We chose our type family carefully, primarily working with classic and time-tested serifs. Our top three choices were Superclarendon, Baskerville and Georgia. Superclarendon felt too much like a newspaper headline, and Baskerville communicated a classic feel that did not align with the timelessness that the logo aimed to be. Georgia Bold felt sharp and unconventionally black. It felt professional and strong; two characteristics that described Ty and her business well.

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado
Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

Industry Standard

Rich yellow hues are a staple within the commercial construction genre and universally represent prosperity. We wanted the Rockstone colors to communicate trust and good representation. After initial research and some clientele feedback, it was revealed that the overall color direction for the Rockstone brand needed to be more in line with management industry standards, and not construction. The classic yellow would not be a direction we would focus on, rather a slice we would save for later.

Initial Color Alignment

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado


We observed in early research stages that many of the top C&M companies in the world tend to align indirectly with a construction oriented color palette. Hues of blues, reds, and greens, are used throughout the industry. We felt that this opens an opportunity to stand out within the industry by choosing a color that, in itself, does not stand out.


Pantone Warm Grey 6 U was an overall accurate combination of the prosperous yellows already established in the industry and the trusted golds that put Rockstone’s clients’ and their established assets at ease.

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

Standing Out by Blending In

Work Uniforms

Rockstone requested a cohesive apparel package that maintained their brand look for all management members and job site organizers. After thorough research into the apparel industry, we selected brands that offered garments in our selected colors or offered the customization we needed. The final result is a muted color palette with a touch of yellow gold.

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado
Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado
Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado
Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado
Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

Alternate Marks

Because of the scale in which the brand of Rockstone will operate, we provided alternate marks, varying in sizes and layouts, for use across all mediums, as a social media mark will not be able to communicate with the same scale as a job site billboard. And a mark placed on a business card needs to be as clear as the mark on a hard hat. These sizing differences lead the design intention for these various logos.

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

Scaling & Application

Large scale advertisement concepts were created to provide a visual example of how the brand should look on new developments. These were loosely based on typical job site needs and billboard applications, elevated beyond just a logo and a catchphrase… The intention is to be more than just a logo. The advertisements presented allowed Rockstone to see the full brand identity stretched to a real life scenario. We created the large scale boards based on previous developments in where RC&M played a predominant role. These final designs allowed Ty to see the scale in which the brand communicates in real world scenarios.

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

Flat Design for Concept

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Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado
Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

Flat Design for Concept

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Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado
Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

Flat Design for Concept

Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

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Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado

Flat Design for Concept

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Stephen Delgado Design Graphic Design Visual Identity Design Branding Design Marketing Design Print Design Product Design UI Design UX Design Art Corporate Advertising Design Digital Design Print Design Packaging Design Freelance Independent Design Stephen Delgado
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